In 2021, Corporate Performance Office (CPO) has introduced the Pointer System which aim to replace the previous Staff Performance Management System (SPMS) as a new approach in measuring the performances of all staff categories in Universiti Malaya(UM). This journey has reached a success through the full cooperation and input given by UM staff.
The new Universiti Malaya’s KPI system have been improvised with the implementation of tiering distribution (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4). Tier 1 is the KPI for the Universiti Malaya/Vice Chancellor, Tier 2 for the Head of Portfolio and Tier 3 is the KPI for all PTj/Head of PTj, meanwhile Tier 4 is the individual KPI for Academic Staff as well as the Executive and Operation Staff. Through this distribution, it better illustrates that the KPIs for each tiering are interrelated to each other.
Diagram 1: University’s New KPI System
KPI Tier 1 is implemented based on the strategic needs of the University in achieving the goals of Transformation Plan and Strategic Plan from the Government, the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) as well as the University. Other than that, the pushing mechanism for this exact improvement was based on the continuous needs for the University to integrate with other ranking and rating criteria such as world and Asian rankings for Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Times Higher Education (THE), and UI GreenMetric as well as ratings for MyRA, SETARA and others. All of these combined to ensure that the University has a clear direction onwards.
All indicators and measures in Tier 1 will be distributed to the main portfolios of the University in Tier 2. This KPI will then be distributed in Tier 3 which is the KPI for Academic PTjs and
Non Academic PTjs. Meanwhile, Tier 4 KPIs are individual KPIs for Academics and Non-Academics which will support the achievement of each Tier 1 to 4 of the KPIs.
As for the KPI for Academic PTjs (Tier 3), there are 30’s KPI measures which fall under the Portfolios of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students Affairs) and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Value Creation & Enterprise).
Diagram 2: Number of KPIs
Basically, the distribution of target for each of the Faculty/Academy/Centre may differ from one to another based on the achievement baseline from year 2018 until 2021. The Staff Strength Factor (SSF) of each Faculty/Academy/Centre also plays the important role towards the target distribution. Furthermore, the feedback that received by the Corporate Performance Office (CPO) during the Townhall with the Deans and Directors also indirectly affected the target for each Faculty/Academy/Centre.
KPI Tier 4 is for Academic Staffs and Support Staffs (Executive and Operation). KPI for Academic Staffs consists of 3 main components (Science &Technology, Non Science &Technology, PASUM, Teachers’s fields) while 4 main components (Clinical’s fields). The components listed as below:
Diagram 3: KPI’s component for S&T, Non S&T, PASUM, Language Teachers, Education Service Officer’s fields
Diagram 4: KPI’s component for Clinical’s fields
[Learn more about Academic Staff’s KPI – UMPortal]
Apart from this, there is additional components; Special Project that aims at working on research programmes that have the potential to provide solutions to critical national or global issues through high impact research activities. This component gives the opportunity to the potential Academic Staffs to take part and by joining this they are eligible to reduce the weightage for either in the component of Research or Services. Each of the components has their own Operational Definition (OD) that allow the Academic Staff to collect, analyze and interpret data in a consistent way as the OD provides a clear, specific, understandable, and agreed-upon description of what is to be observed and measured.
While the KPI for Support Staffs (Executive and Operation) is any 5 or more tasks that been given by the Head of Portfolios/Research Centres’s Management (the concept of cascading from Tier 3), OR Objective Quality OR Functional Task. The listed tasks need to be verified by the Head of Portfolios/Research Centres’s Management manually and the task has to be inserted in the system once the system is ready. This year, the KPI for Support Staffs is based on Pointer System which has been implemented for Academics Staffs. The Point for KPI would be calculated based on the evidences attached by the Staff (PYD) and the marks will be displayed automatically right after the verification process by First Assessor (PPP).
Last Update: 04/10/2023