MyMoheS KPT is an information system developed for the purpose of integrating and improving the quality of UA data.It was first developed in 2006 for the purpose of integrating and improving the quality of data of Public University in Malaysia in a simple, fast and accurate method.
There are four modules in the system MyMoheS namely:
1) Student Module
2) Staff Module
3) Research & Development and Commercialisation Module
4) Institutional Module
As the coordinator for MyMoheS, the role of CDO is as follows:
Coordinate all relevant data such as student, research, staff, development, commercialisation, publications, human resources, finance, ranking and others. |
Ensure that university data transmitted to MyMoheS is acccurate, valid and timely. |
Verify and transmit data to MyMoheS. | |
Last Update: 05/07/2022